Want to make a big impact with your small business? Seemingly minor efforts like switching to affordable eco-friendly packaging or incorporating simple energy-efficient upgrades to your company, can make the world of a difference when you add sustainability in a small business.

SME and E-commerce Shipping and Logistics Services

Many new business owners think that sustainability comes at a huge cost, but we’re here to tell you that it really doesn’t have to. We’ve put together a checklist of 5 affordable, easy ways to incorporate sustainability into your small business. Read on!

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1. Offering remote work to employees 

One of the easiest ways to implement sustainability in your small business is by offering your employees the opportunity to work remotely (if your business allows). Not only will this save on fuel expenses, but it’ll also reduce your company’s carbon footprint – a win-win, we’d say. If fully remote work isn’t going to work for you, opt for a hybrid approach, allowing employees to choose a few days a week to work from home. Interestingly, a recent McKinsey study showed that when offered the chance to work flexibly, 87% of workers would take it.

When offered the chance to work flexibly, 87% of workers would take it.

Related article: How to Run Your Business Successfully And Work Remotely 

2. Reduce, reuse, recycle 

Reduce waste in the workplace by incorporating recycling into your office culture. Start by simply adding recycling trash cans in the staff kitchen and then offer rewards or benefits to employees who follow the recycling regime. Other great ways to reduce waste include adding water coolers to the office (so that people stop buying bottled water from the cafeteria), opening up a space to dump used paper for people to use for notes rather than shredding it, and advising staff to use reusable lunch containers. There are millions of ways to make your employees and colleagues aware of sustainability – and, ultimately, make it an office lifestyle. On average, GCC countries currently recycle about 10% of plastic and metal waste. This figure represents a huge opportunity for change.

SME and E-commerce Shipping and Logistics Services

GCC countries currently recycle about 10% of plastic and metal waste. This figure represents a huge opportunity for change.

3. Use eco-friendly packaging 

It’s all good and well to make sure your employees keep things green, but before you even get there, your business needs to follow a holistically sustainable model. The easiest method is to find affordable, eco-friendly packaging solutions. There are hundreds of packaging companies offering green solutions out there, and one of the quickest ways to get started is to incorporate eco-friendly packaging into your business mode from the get-gol. We offer biodegradable packaging at an affordable price, and we’re looking forward to launching robot and drone deliveries (an even more sustainable option!) in the near future. 

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4. Become more energy efficient 

For businesses wanting to become exceptionally energy efficient, the best way to go about this is by getting an energy audit. The auditor will recommend personalised ways for your business to cut back on energy consumption (and thus expenses) and ways to use natural resources. If an energy audit isn’t within your budget, then simply using the natural resources available to you will help hugely. Open the blinds and let the sunlight light up your office, turn off lights when leaving rooms, and have specific coffee hours to avoid employees boiling the kettle throughout the day. With a little bit of effort, your company can make a huge difference. 

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5. Reconsider your suppliers

To become fully sustainable, it’s vital that your supply chain has the same mindset as you. If every business chose to only work with sustainable suppliers, all suppliers would be forced to go green. The knock-on effect is huge. Choosing to work with companies that take an interest in making the world a better place also means that your relationships will be stronger, because your interests align. Although it’s not a hard-and-fast rule, businesses that have a higher goal (like sustainability!) also tend to have good ethics and create meaningful products.

To become fully sustainable, it’s vital that your supply chain has the same mindset as you.

Key Takeaway

Sustainability in a small business isn’t as difficult to achieve as one believes. In fact, it’s very easy. With small changes like adding a recycling system, cutting back on energy expenses, incorporating remote work, and partnering with like-minded suppliers, your business can make a huge difference. 

SME and E-commerce Shipping and Logistics Services

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