It’s that time of year again! The 26th of November – also known as Black Friday – is just around the corner, and for many online shoppers, that means the beginning of the biggest shopping event of the year. More than ever, buying behavior is being heavily influenced by e-commerce trends. So if you want to make sure your online store is ready for the big day, there are a few things you need to do.

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Tip #1: Offer multiple payment methods

Offering a wide range of payment options is a great way to make your business more appealing to a wider audience. It shows that you are flexible and accommodating, and that you want to make things as easy as possible for your customers. The easier you make it for people to pay you, the more likely it is that you will have more money coming in.

Tip #2: Be clear about your shipping options

The importance of being honest with your customers during the Black Friday sales cannot be overstated. Be clear with them about your shipping rates and methods, and provide a shipping policy that is transparent and concise. This will ensure that your customers know exactly how long it will take for their products to arrive. In doing so, you’ll build trust with your customers and solidify your reputation as a reliable and trustworthy business.

Related article: Last Mile E-commerce Challenges and How to Solve Them

Tip #3: Welcome mobile shoppers

Your e-commerce store absolutely must be mobile-friendly if you want to appeal to the modern consumer. With the popularity of smartphones and tablets, it’s more important than ever to make sure your store can be accessed and browsed on these devices. A responsive, mobile-friendly layout is the first step to achieving this goal. Ensuring that you are set up to receive mobile payments, either via Apple Pay, PayPal or Android Pay, is the cherry on top. 

Tip #4: Ensure a seamless online shopping experience

Offering the best possible customer experience will be crucial to whether you and your e-commerce store will perform during Black Friday. It’s a busy shopping day, and that can make or break a business – so it’s important to be prepared. This means making sure that your site is ready for everything, from high traffic volumes to sudden spikes in demand. By ensuring that your site is up to the task and providing customers with a seamless experience, you’ll be in a good position to make the most of the holiday.

Related article: The Metaverse is the Next E-commerce and Interactive Shopping Revolution

Tip #5: Plan ahead to achieve success

While some companies may wait until the last minute to start thinking about their Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales, it is important to plan ahead to ensure success. By engaging with your target audience throughout the year, you can keep your brand top of mind and ensure that your customers are aware of your sales. By planning ahead, you can also present early bird specials and other promotions that might help boost your sales.

Key takeaway

Nowadays, customers are more inclined to shop online rather than in-store. This is primarily because they can compare prices more easily, and also because online retailers often offer great discounts. With Black Friday just around the corner, there’s never been a better time to be in e-commerce.

If you’re clever about it, there’s a great chance that your Black Friday sales will be much higher than you originally thought possible. By offering significant discounts on your products and services, you’ll be able to lure in customers who might not have considered shopping with you before. And once you have them hooked, there’s a good chance they’ll keep coming back for more.

E-commerce shipping, storage and logistics services at Aramex

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