The holiday season is one of the busiest times of year for both sellers and buyers. With so many brands vying for your customers’ attention, it can be difficult to make your brand stand out. In order to reach your target audience, you need to be competitive, offer something unique, and – perhaps most importantly – amp up your social commerce strategy.

Related article: Top 4 E-commerce Trends for the 2022 Holiday Season

With email inboxes and social media feeds full of holiday deals and promotions, it can be tricky to cut through the noise. But if you focus on creating a strong social media marketing campaign that resonates with your audience, you can ensure your brand is front and centre this holiday season.

Focus on creating a strong social media marketing campaign that resonates with your audience to ensure your brand is front and centre this holiday season.

What is social commerce?

Simply put, social commerce is the strategy of marketing and selling your products through social media platforms. Since the rise of social media, social commerce has become an increasingly popular way for businesses to market and sell their products. By utilising platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, businesses are able to reach a larger audience and promote their products in a more engaging, natural way.

Related article: 5 Things You Need to Know About the Rise of Social Commerce

There are many benefits to embracing social commerce. For example, the ability to connect with potential customers on a more personal level, and the increased visibility of your products in a space where people are spending a lot of their time already (up to 2.5 hours per day, in fact!). In addition, social media platforms provide businesses with valuable insights into the interests of their target market, which can be used to tailor future marketing campaigns.

Consumers spend an average of 2.5 hours a day on social media.

Here’s our top three social commerce tips for the holiday season.

Tip 1 – Connect your catalogue

Adding your e-commerce product catalogue to your social media pages is a quick and easy way to let shoppers discover your products, share them with friends, and check out directly from your Shops on Facebook and Instagram. This will save them time and hassle while shopping, and make it more likely that they’ll buy from you.

Related article: How to Grow Your Business with Inventory Forecasts

Tip 2 – Tag you products as much as you can

Product tags can help you promote your products and increase customer engagement. By tagging products in your posts, you can make it easier for customers to learn more about what you’re selling and lead them to a purchase decision. The most successful businesses use product tags frequently across different formats (feed, stories, Reels, IGTV, captions and Live) to reach the widest audience possible. 

Tip 3 – Include a clear call to action

As a business owner, it’s important to make sure that your customers know what actions you want them to take. Don’t just assume that they’ll know what to do – be clear and concise in your messaging, and write posts that are engaging and actionable. Creating regular content about your products across Reels and Stories can help amplify your reach, while also building up positive shopping behaviours.

Creating regular content about your products across Reels and Stories can help amplify your reach, while also building up positive shopping behaviours.

Related article: The Metaverse is the Next E-commerce and Interactive Shopping Revolution

Key takeaway

This holiday season, don’t miss out on the opportunity to connect with your audience and sell more with a strong social commerce strategy. Utilise various tactics to reach potential customers where they are spending time online, and then give them the ability to purchase your products or services with just a few clicks. By doing so, you’ll not only boost your sales figures, but also create a more loyal customer base that will keep coming back year after year.

Aramex e-commerce warehousing, shipping, and logistics

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