The festive season is drawing near, which means it’s time to start thinking about your holiday marketing strategy. If you’re like most small businesses, you may be working with a tighter budget this year in the wake of the pandemic. But don’t let that dissuade you from promoting your holiday offerings! There are plenty of creative and cost-effective ways to reach your target audience.

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Here are 7 of our best small business holiday ideas to get you started.

Holiday Idea #1: Send a festive card from your small business

If you’re looking for a fresh way to share your best products, give out promotional codes, and stay top of mind with your customers, holiday cards are an excellent option. One of the benefits of direct mail is that it’s a physical reminder of your brand that your customers can hold onto and see – which is fast becoming an unexpected experience in the digital age. 

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Holiday Idea #2: Give a little gift

Giving a gift to your customers is a great way to show your appreciation for their business. Your gifts should be seen as a part of your relationship-building efforts, so make sure they are thoughtful and personalised whenever possible, rather than just a marketing tactic.

Holiday Idea #3: Host a holiday countdown sale

Offering holiday-themed promotions and discounts is always effective in enticing customers to buy your products. You can even tie in the concept of gift-giving by offering promotions that involve a free gift with purchase. Use this method to show your customers that you’re thinking of them during the holiday season (while boosting your sales at the same time!).

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Holiday Idea #4: Get into the spirit of festive email marketing

Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to reach out to customers and promote your small business. Even if you’re new to email marketing, there’s no time like the holidays to get started. You can reach a large audience quickly and easily without breaking the bank, and as an added bonus, you can target your message to specific segments of your audience.

Holiday Idea #5: Run a social media contest

If you’re looking to increase engagement on your social media accounts, one of the best ways to do it is through a social media contest. This way, you can encourage more people to interact with your posts and visit your website. However, if you want to get the most out of your contest, it’s best to focus on one specific goal, whether that’s increasing your following or driving website traffic.

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Holiday Idea #6: Add value with a webinar

Webinars are an excellent way to educate your prospective buyers about your product or service. By providing valuable information that is relevant to their needs, you can build trust and credibility with your audience. Additionally, webinars can be used to foster relationships with existing customers and help them get the most out of your product.

Holiday Idea #7: Partner with another small business

When you’re running a small business, you often have to contend with a lack of marketing resources. However, if you team up with another local business, you can combine your resources, including your budget, personnel, and reach. This is known as partnership marketing. To make it work, make sure you find a local business whose offerings and target market align with yours.

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Key takeaway

One way to promote your holiday offerings on a tight budget is to get creative with your marketing. Instead of spending money on advertising, try reaching out to your customers and clients directly. See if you can partner with other businesses in your area to cross-promote each other’s holiday offerings.

You can also use social media to reach a wider audience. Get creative with your content and use hashtags to get discovered by people who are looking for holiday ideas. Whatever you do, make sure you are still providing value to your customers and clients. The festive season is a time for giving, so make sure your holiday ideas reflect that.

SME shipping, storage and logistics services at Aramex

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